
5231789The first CLIA logo was designed when CLIA was formed in 1988.  It represented the sophisticated glassware used in illegal drug production at the time.  It was simple in design and is a proud reminder of where we came from.



4391682Then, in 2014, it was decided that a new logo would be created. The logo on the left is what we came up with. Each item and color has a meaning. The red writing for the Clandestine Laboratory Investigators Association represents our most abundant hazard at a site, that being fire and/or explosions. The globe indicates our many partners in the training, investigation, dismantling and prosecution of illegal drug laboratories. The “CLIA” covers how we are best known by our acronym.The universal clandestine laboratory logo is used, the four hazardous waste placards commonly found. The glass vessel represents the beginning of clandestine laboratories.  The lightening bolts represent our ability to quickly respond to the ever changing challenges of clandestine laboratories.  Finally, the year we were established.