Conversion Labs/BHO Extractions/Synthetics

Tim McKibben – Synthcon, LLC:

Tim has spent decades as a chemist and investigator in all three levels of government, in the pharmaceutical industry, and now in small business. He has been fortunate to investigate process and interview suspects in drug laboratories ranging from methamphetamine to MDMA and LSD in nine countries. He has testified in lab cases in several foreign countries and the U.S.; the execution of one lab suspect, and life sentences for twelve others highlight stiffer penalties in some of these lab cases. Tim focuses on assisting investigators and chemists while learning from the experiences of other investigators and chemists.


This course is gives insight to the workings of various illegal clandestine drug labs; and to the creation of synthetic substances challenging law enforcement. Each topic covers how these substances are designed, changed, manufactured for resale on the black market. This course will equip law enforcement with the tools to recognize and dismantle the operations.